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For Patients

Thank you for choosing Ethnē Health for the health and dental care needs for you and your family.


Our Approach

Ethnē Health is a neighborhood clinic that values collaborative community. Providers and staff live in the same community as the patients served by the clinic. Proximity to our patients has led to better understanding of the social determinants of patient health and allowed us to provide culturally appropriate care. Since our first year, we’ve worked to partner with other local organizations who help the community flourish with the belief that better health happens together.

Our Services

Ethnē's dedicated staff is committed to providing its patients with comprehensive, high value health care services at every visit. 

Learn more about our medical services and dental services.

Payments & Fees

We are a non-profit medical clinic providing services at a discounted price based on household income and size. This benefit is available to all patients that qualify, including both those with insurance and those without insurance. 

New Patients

Are you ready to schedule your first appointment? Follow these simple steps to get started today!

Share Your Experience With Us

Whether it's an example of extraordinary customer service, or an area where we could improve upon, we would like to know.


Please share your feedback with our leadership so we can continue to improve the quality of service to you.

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