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اهدا کنید
از طریق کارت اعتباری، حواله بانکی یا پی پال، کمک مالی قابل کسر مالیات را انجام دهید.
Summer Internship Programs
College Summer Internship
Our College Summer Internship is a volunteer two month internship (June July). Students will experience shadowing a doctor during visits, supporting clinical projects and serve with local partners in the community. They will be able to see how the clinical process works on a day to day basis. Students will be scheduled 3-4 days per week.
High School Summer Internship
Ethnē's Medical High School Internship is a volunteer one month internship (June or July). Students will experience shadowing a doctor during visits, supporting medical assistants and seeing how the clinical process works on a day to day basis. Students will be scheduled 1 day per week for 1 month.
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